Paul ends his letter to the Philippians in much the same manner as he often does with other epistles. He greets individuals and signs off with words of encouragement and direction. He writes that the Philippians should agree and work together, that they should always be rejoicing in the Lord and giving thanks to him, and that they should always focus on those things that are just, pure, lovely, and excellent.
Paul also expresses thanksgiving for the help he has received from the Philippians. He has ministered to them; they owe so much to him. But they have ministered back to Paul, and though they have given up much for him, he is convinced that God will continue to supply all their needs. All this reinforces the fact that Paul possesses a shepherd’s heart and longs for and works for blessing and growth among those who are under his ministry. How wonderful to see this sort of heart among God’s ministers all over the world. We need to pray for these brothers, that they will be strengthened in the Lord and find great joy in their ministries in the midst of many trials.
Rejoice, O pure in heart,
rejoice, give thanks, and sing;
your festal banner wave on high,
the cross of Christ your King.
Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice, give thanks, and sing! -- E. H. Plumptre (1865)