March 30, 2021 – Psalm 2
Onward we go through the Psalter! Notice the similarities between Psalm 2:3 and Genesis 11 (the Tower of Babel). Like the people who rebelled against the Lord by attempting to build a tower to reach the heavens, the Psalter depicts the nations attempting to break free from the authority of the Lord. The Psalter’s response in verses 4 through 6 is humbling. The Lord, our God, literally “laughs” at those who reject him. It’s the same today, brothers and sisters! Amid our political and cultural chaos, the Lord looks at those who oppose him and laughs.
As a response to the kings and authorities of the earth, the Lord establishes his own king in Jerusalem, his begotten Son (2:5-6). Brother and sisters, this is the gospel! How does the Lord respond to the brokenness and chaos of the post-Eden world? By sending his Son, the real king, to us! Notice, there is only one proper response to the King, which is “to kiss” him (2:12). Our Lord is worthy of our full devotion, allegiance, and affection, for all who trust in him are “blessed.”
The idea of Jesus as the begotten Son is very important in Christian theology. The author of Hebrews underscores that Jesus is superior to the angels because he is the begotten of the Father (Heb. 1:5) and is superior to any Israelite priest because he is the begotten Son (Heb. 5:5).
Likewise, we confess in accordance with the Nicene Creed (written in 325 A.D.) the following:
We believe in one God,
the Father almighty,
maker of heaven and earth,
of all things visible and invisible.
And in one Lord Jesus Christ,
the only Son of God,
begotten from the Father before all ages,
God from God,
Light from Light,
true God from true God,
begotten, not made…
Our Lord and our God,
We were like the kings who plotted rebellion against you,
Yet you have shown us mercy and brought us to yourself and Christ,
You have shown us that Jesus is the true King, we are his servants, we owe every ounce of our being to him.